Make your choice from the 4 options below

Note! This is currently in demo mode. Keep an eye out for the next competition!

Option 1

Rye Pale Bitter European Beer of the rainbow fermented with belgian yeast.

Note: Rye - 25% or more of the grain bill should be a rye product.

Note: Pale Bitter European Beer - Pilsner/Lager malts optionally with other very light specialty grains, noble bittering.

Note: of the rainbow means that the beer must be tinted an unnatural beer color.

Option 2

Sour Scottish Ale all dried up fermented with clean ale yeast.

Note: Sour - Final pH of the beer we drink should be 3.6 or lower.

Note: Scottish Ale - 60/70/80 pence and Wee Heavy are all appropriate.

Note: all dried up means that the beer must have a FG of 1.004 or less.

Option 3

Sour Sour Fermentable from the hive fermented with belgian yeast.

Note: Sour - Final pH of the beer we drink should be 3.6 or lower.

Note: Sour Fermentable - Wild, kettle, or yeast driven are all appropriate.

Note: from the hive means that the beer The recipe must contain at least 2 pounds of honey.

Option 4

Smoked Sour Fermentable of the field fermented with thiolized yeast.

Note: Smoked - Smoked flavor must be present but blend well with the beer.

Note: Sour Fermentable - Wild, kettle, or yeast driven are all appropriate.

Note: of the field means that the beer must be herbed (mint, basil, etc.).

Your choice has been recorded

You will receive an email shortly with your choice and some information regarding how your fantastic brew should be made!

Please check your junk mail and reach out to Brian Stephens if you don't receive it.

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Generating some fantastic choices...

Person to blame:
Brian Stephens